radical self-love

In a world of chaos and noise, I seek,

A sanctuary within, where only love speaks.

Radical self-love, a profound embrace,

A journey inward, a sacred space.

With courage and kindness, I face my flaws,

Embracing my worth, breaking down walls.

No masks to wear, no need to hide,

Just self-compassion flowing deep inside.

I honor my scars, they tell my story,

Each mark and line a badge of glory.

No judgment here, only acceptance true,

In radical self-love, I find my rescue.

Through highs and lows, I walk this path,

Finding beauty in the aftermath.

Self-love radical, a revolution will start,

To heal my wounds and mend my broken heart.

I will shine, unapologetically bright,

Embracing myself, my guiding light.

In radical self-love, I find my way,

With each breath I take, I grow each day.


5 Years of BELLA


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