A New Take On Traditions

A few years back, we bid farewell to traditional Christmas meals at home Now, each of us selects a favorite dish for me to whip up. This year, it’s all about lasagna, burgers, and fries – a departure from the usual pernil, moro, and potato salad.

Growing older, I appreciate that this is our unique family with its own set of rules. As I look at the incredible humans we’ve raised, I’m reminded that our non-traditional traditions keep evolving – and honestly, they’re getting more interesting each year

Sitting at our simply set table, we shared gratitude for the best gift: family. What more could I ask for?

Wishing you warmth, joy, and peace in your own family, even if it’s a chosen one. Believe in the magic of the season. We found it in simplicity, and it’s truly beautiful.


Joy Is Your Birthright


Cancer PTSD is real.