Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes


Numbers have a powerful significance in our lives, often holding deeper meanings beyond their numerical value.

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Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes

Empowered Women Empower Women: Opportunities Are Abundant

We need to recognize the damaging consequences of such behavior and work together towards creating a more supportive and united community of women.

One of the most significant aspects of empowering women is embracing the idea that a woman's worth extends far beyond her appearance. Our worth lies in our intelligence, our accomplishments, and the impact we have on the world around us.

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Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes

The Beauty of A Moment

The world is filled with countless wonders - from breathtaking landscapes to mesmerizing moments that evoke a sense of awe within us. One such glorious marvel that has captivated humankind for centuries is the sunrise.

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Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes

Cultivating Self-Love

The world often demands from us to have to constantly prove ourselves and compare ourselves to others. it’s created a toxic culture of comparison and self-doubt.

In our daily lives, we are bombarded with messages that encourage us to measure our worth against unrealistic standards, making it easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt and perpetuating an unattainable quest for validation through external measures.

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Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes

Believe In Action!

Believe in action! Prayer is powerful, but it’s not a substitute for effort. Pair your faith with hard work, determination, and the willingness to make things happen.

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Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes

Friday Thoughts

We often look at our flaws, our vulnerabilities, and tend to find comfort in the way others define us.

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Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes

Here We Go

Wellness Wednesday: Headed into the OR for a health changing procedure. I’ve managed Endometriosis of myometrium, Chronic Anemia, Pelvic pain syndrome as best as I could -until today.

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Featured Vanessa Coppes Featured Vanessa Coppes

New Children’s Book

Congratulations to BELLA magazine’s stylists Mindy and Paula @thestyleduotwins + their co-author Helene Kapner, on the launch of their delightful children’s book, “Take Me Out to the Mall Game”! 📚

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Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes

Stop Chasing the Wrong Dreams

The problem with chasing someone else's dream is that it doesn't really align with your own aspirations and personal goals. It's like trying to fit into a pair of shoes that are not your size. It may look good on the outside, but it will never feel comfortable.

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Vanessa Coppes Vanessa Coppes

Unlocking Your Superpower: A Journey Within

On 01.01 of every year, I start my day creating my vision board for the year ahead. In flipping through magazines, the question ‘What’s your superpower?’ stuck with me since cutting it out. Every image I pulled since that moment feels like it’s meant to answer it.

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BELLA Media + Co.

BELLA Magazine offers a carefully curated guide on fashion, beauty, health, philanthropy, arts and culture, cuisine, celebrities, and entertainment. The magazine is available nationwide through subscription and caters to both men and women.

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